Look at US. There is no THEM from this point of view.
We're in this together. That's not a pithy little Hallmark greeting. That's a fact, Jack.
It's time we stop blaming others for our own individual problems. We, as individuals, have to take ownership of our own lives. It all starts at home. We have to become aware of what we are contributing with our thoughts and minds and hearts. It's not what we do, it's what we INTEND by doing it.
It's time to wake up and create more than we destroy. I know there is a certain amount of destruction inherent to Life. The point is: Pay attention to what you're doing.
It seems every generation leaves the world a little more confused and sad than the one before it, and I'm here to say it, that's just not good enough anymore. It's time to stop the cycle of fear and war. Stop the cycle of negativity and indifference.
Certainly, if there's a problem on the pale blue dot in the picture, it's MY PROBLEM. It's not something I can blame on anyone else. And it's no longer something I can ignore.
There's no pill for what ails you because what ails you is you. You have to accept this fact and learn to forgive everyone, including yourself.
When you look in the mirror and take ownership of your role in this experience called Life, something strange and beautiful may happen. You may actually begin to care. Not because you were conditioned to believe "good people help others." But because you realize your inborn nature is to love and to share who you really are with this world.
Thanks. We need you.