Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Investigate The Why

I don't like the saying "time is money."

Time isn't money, time is your life.
And, in case you haven't noticed, almost no one seems to have it anymore. 

As a producer and mentor, I give developing artists what almost no one in the music business will give them.  Time.

I listen.  Which is another thing few remember how to do. 

In America, we overvalue speed at the cost of quality.  The goal seems to be to create more money, to buy more time that never arrives.  It never arrives because time is not money, time is your life.

Time is your greatest gift and your most valuable asset.

When I abandon quality in the pursuit of quantity, everyone suffers.  This is what has happened in our society and it's up to each one of us to shift the balance back towards quality.  In business, in relationships, in ourselves.  It's a choice we each get to make.  Every second of every day.

Today I make my choice.  I prefer to lean towards quality.  I can still make enough money.  But I am constantly reminding myself to investigate the why of what I am working on.  Are you?

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